Skinny Jeans

One of the best things about having two girls is the clothing you get to buy for them. I don't have a boy so I don't really know, but from what my friends have told me, it's way more fun to shop for girl stuff. The challenge for me is to have them wear clothes that are in style, even amist my own fashion blunders. I do my best to try to make sure my kids always look cute...because you never know when there's going to be a photo-opp!

This last weekend we took our annual family pictures, which meant it was time to go shopping! I love shopping usually, but not last week. I searched, and searched, and searched for what I dreamed up in my brain, but couldn't find it. At about 8:00 p.m. Friday night (pictures at 8:00 a.m. Saturday!), with the stores closing in an hour, I switched to plan X. That's when I found them, I knew in that instant she had to have them...what are they? Ava's skinny jeans, of course! She had no idea what that meant until Saturday morning when it was time to get dressed. And if I'm remembering correctly, the conversation went something like this...

Me: "Ava, it's time to get ready for pictures!"
Ava: "Ok, Mommy!"
Me: "Look at the new jeans I bought you!"
Ava: "Yeah, they're pretty pretty."
Me: "Ok, put your feet in."
Ava: "Mommy, they're too tight, they don't fit me."
Me: "Let's just try one more time, please! Put your feet in, and I'll pull them up for you."
Ava: "These are Emma's jeans, they're too tight!"
Me: "They fit, I promise. They're not Emma's jeans. Mommy bought these just for you!"
Ava: "I don't want them, we need to get some different ones at the store."
Me: "See, they fit! They do look pretty pretty!"
Ava: "I don't like them. I want to take some other jeans to the park so I can play after pictures.These jeans are too small. I'm gonna give them to Emma."
Me: "Thank you for wearing them. I love you."
Ava: "I love you too, Mommy. But these are too tight!"

She eventually forgot about her jeans and never said another word about them. However, I wonder if the next time I try to put them on her if that same conversation will repeat.

We'll have to see what happens!

*picture taken by Carrie Fay Amaro

Hands on the Wall

One of Ava's favorite things to do is sing. If you're around her for any length of time, you will know this to be true. She goes through phases of which songs she likes, but there are a few that just never seem to get old.

A few of her favorite songs right now, "Let Your Light Shine" and "Jesus is the Light," both of which are from her weekly chapel service at preschool. However, the all time favorite at the moment is a song about keeping your hands on the wall. It is a song that her teachers lead her class in every time they line up to go somewhere outside of their classroom.

The lyrics go like this:

Keep your hands on the wall,
On the wall.
Keep your hands on the wall,
On the wall.
Keep your hands on the wall,
So the wall doesn't fall.
Keep your hands on the wall,
On the wall.

Random, I know. But she loves it - and sings it all the time - substituting different words with the same melody! Funny thing though, as much as she sings, I never get tired of hearing it
*photo taken by Carrie Fay Amaro