The Big Day

As expected this week, Monday arrived. Any other week and this has no significance other than being Michael and I's only full day off together. However, this week, it meant so much more.

Ava, from the time we brought her home from the hospital has had an umbilical hernia. It's significant in size, and hasn't gone down (like some do) as she's gotten older. With that said, her surgeon wanted to operate before it became a bother to her. This happened on Monday.

There were lots of restrictions beginning at 4:30 a.m. regarding food/fluid intake, but overall she did great. We checked in and within 20 minutes we were taken back to get ready. 3 nurses and 2 different doctors all explained what was going to happen, and asked us if we had any questions. It's a big deal when a child as young as Ava has to go under anestesia, so many precautions are taken. Precautions that as a parent are much appreciated.

It wasn't long before the time came for her to go back with the nurse. This is the part that Michael and I were dreading. We were convinced that she would start crying and have to be ripped from our arms to go with this stranger. Much to the opposite she walked back, without shedding a tear, all on her own. Hand in hand with the nurse, not even looking back.

Surgery went well. Everything went as expected. It took about 45 minutes and then another 30 minutes before we could go back to see her. She didn't even cry when she woke up, she was just extremely SLEEPY!

The nurses said that she was one of the best kids they have had. It really is amazing how well she did. Which for a mom, is a huge answer to many prayers.


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